St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Downtown Milwaukee

I had the distinct pleasure of having fellowship with and ministering the gospel with the men from Shalom Baptist Church in Mequon, Wisconsin yesterday at the Downtown Milwaukee St. Patrick’s Day parade where thousands of people were in attendance and received the St. Patrick’s Day quiz which dispels the myth of who St. Patrick’s was and his ultimate mission in Ireland. It also provides a clear presentation of the law and the gospel.

We also handed out to the kids the 10 Commandments coin, a special kids version of the million dollar bill and the Giant Money $100 bill.

One of the men that I had the privilege of ministering with, Harry, had an encounter with a woman to whom he handed the million dollar bill. She told Harry that she had just been down to Mexico for vacation. Some crazy man walked up to her and prophesied over her saying that she would receive $1 million! She smiled at Harry and said I guess the prophecy is now fulfilled!

Let’s pray that the thousands of tracts that were handed out yesterday will help win thousands of souls to Christ. Pray for repentance and believe in Christ!

Milwaukee Seed Sowers is looking ahead and praying for the outreach at the Town of Erin St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 17th

About rooftopproclaimer

We are local born-again Christians of Milwaukee Wisconsin, using our ambassadorship by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. We also help equip the body of Christ to witness by teaching biblical evangelism based on Scripture.
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